Since 1995, Write for Business, Inc. (a Massachusetts S-Corporation), has created professional grade copywriting for businesses, from VC backed startups to multinationals, in numerous business to business industries.
We’ve worked with CEOs, VPs, Department heads, Sales Managers, Marketing Managers, IT Managers, and more.
Many business writers are essentially a “hired hand.” They ask you, “What do you want to say?” Then, with some improvements in organization and grammar, they write just what you told them.
With us, you get more than a hired hand. You get a hired mind. We bring our intelligence, our deep and broad experience, and our understanding of business principles and challenges, to work with you in developing a strategic solution to your needs.
The copywriter’s challenge is to look, sound, and feel in words — and to do so on behalf of your company, products or services. Our job is to be your “voice” — on paper and online.
Several considerations have to come together coherently, in order to represent your products and services effectively in the marketplace:
- Your corporate brand, positioning, image and “personality”
- The product’s own branding and positioning
- Your customers’ needs and expectations
- The competitive environment
- Industry norms and expectations: your product must both “fit in” and “stand out”
- The particular type of piece being written
Few firms — this side of the high-priced mega-firms, at least — can grab hold of all five of these threads at once and weave them into an attractive, effective fabric that sounds like your company, your product or service.
We can.
Our Language: English (We don’t offer translation at this time.)
Our Pricing: We quote by the project, based on our understanding of its scope and challenges. We do not work on an hourly basis.
Confidentiality: Many of our clients’ legal or intellectual property departments request an NDA before talking with us. Let us know on our contact page if you do.
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